Think you can’t gosolar? Think again! Join us on Thursday, January 19, to find out how you canscore huge savings from solar energy, even if you cannot install panels on yourown home.
Not everyone can install solar panels on theirroof. Some roofs have the wrong orientation, some roofs are old and in need ofrepair so cannot support the panels. Meanwhile, some families live in apartmentbuildings or rent their homes and cannot install panels, even if they areinterested.
But there is asolution! It’s called Community Solar.
The idea is simple: join with other families tobuild a large solar array at a convenient spot, not too far from a utilitysubstation. It doesn’t need to be near your home; it just needs to be withinyour utility’s service territory (Pacific Power for us). The solar array pumpselectricity into the grid, and the utility company pays you for your sharethrough a credit on your monthly bill. You’ve gone solar!
Solarize Rogue is a local non-profit that hasperfected this approach. With its partner, the Oregon Clean Power Co-op,Solarize Rogue has completed a Community Solar project featuring panelsinstalled on the roof of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival Production Building inTalent. This project generates 141 kilowatts and powers 16 Rogue Valley homes,including discounted service to 3 low-income families.
Their next project will be located in Chiloquin andwill again serve the Pacific Power utility area. Thus, anyone who is served byPacific Power will be eligible to invest in the new project and reap thebenefits.
Southern Oregon Climate Action Now’s Jacksonville Climate Action Team ispartnering with Solarize Rogue to bring information about this opportunity toJacksonville and the Applegate Valley. Ray Sanchez-Pescador is President ofSolarize Rogue and a major driving force behind the first Certified project inPacific Power territory and the first “Participant-Owned” project in the State.Ray will lead a discussion of how Jacksonville and Applegate Valley residentscan benefit from this project. The public meeting will be held on January19, 5:30-7pm, at Jacksonville Public Library, 340 West C Street. We hope tosee you there!