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Jacksonville’s Wildfire Community Preparedness Day

May 6, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Wildfire Community PreparednessDay is a national Firewise campaign to raise awareness and reduce risks fromwildfires. Jacksonville is vulnerable to wildfires due to manyhomes being located in close proximity to woodlands and forests. Because ofsevere drought and upcoming extremely hot weather, this summer and early fallpromise to be a bad year for severe wildfires.

Jacksonville’s Wildfire Community Preparedness Day isSaturday, May 6, 9am-2pm in the D Street Parking lot. Residents of Jacksonville may bring branches and othervegetation to be chipped and disposed of by the Oregon Department of Forestry(ODF). Two dumpsters will be available, one for small vegetation debris, andone for debris that needs to be chipped. Members of the Jacksonville CommunityEmergency Response Team (CERT) coordinate and manage the event in conjunctionwith the Jacksonville Fire Department.

Jacksonvillehas 32 Firewise neighborhoods: Westmont, Gold Terrace,Royal Mobile Estates, Vineyard View,Vintage, G Street, Valley Lane, Jackson/Creekside, North/South 3rd, BrittGardens Neighborhood, Rich Gulch, Timber Ridge, Applegate/Graham, Hangman Way,Pheasant Meadows, Hill Street, Brookview, Wagon Trail, Gold Terrace Heights,Whippleville, Applegate Fireflies JVille East, Beekman Square, Fire Station, PonderosaWay, S 4th St., Nunan Square, Laurelwood Drive, Stagecoach, Chainsaw, Coachman,and Daisy Creek.

Pleasetake advantage of this opportunity to dispose of branches, dead trees, and deadshrubs found on your property. Removing dead vegetation and debris,removing/trimming flammable trees and shrubs in close proximity to your homeand pruning tree limbs so that the lowest branches are 6 to 10 feet above theground will help protect your home from wildfire.

Ifyou have any questions, please contact Linda Davis, Jacksonville FirewiseCoordinator, at, or by phone at (541) 690-5688 or stop byyour Fire Department for more information.



May 6, 2023
9:00 am - 2:00 pm


D Street Parking lot, Jacksonville, OR
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