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“Picnic in the Park” at Cantrall Buckley

April 29, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

On Saturday, April 29,from noon-4:00pm, join the Applegate Community, Ruch Outdoor Community School,A Greater Applegate, and the Applegate Partnership & Watershed Council tocelebrate a new mural installation and a new metal art installation at CantrallBuckley Park. Meet the artists, funding partners,community leaders, volunteers and students while picnicking, touring andsocializing.

Forthe past several months, the Applegate Partnership & Watershed Council,along with AGA and ROCS have been working to beautify the park—now is the timefor the community unveiling and celebration of our beautiful river and park.Grab a picnic lunch, and join us! Details can be found at www.applegateconnect.comor

A detailed map highlighting the new enhancements of thepark will be handed out at the entrance upon arrival. Join us for a couple ofsongs by ROCS students, a trolley tour of the park by Jacksonville Trolley, andpremade (preordered) picnic lunches by The Ridge Restaurant or Sweets &Eats.

TheApplegate Partnership & Watershed Council (APWC) promotes ecological,economic and community well-being in the Applegate watershed through on theground projects such as habitat restoration, prescribed burns, and educationand outreach. A Greater Applegate is a community building organization led byresident’s desires. Ruch Outdoor Community School (ROCS) operates a flexibleand enriched educational model which leverages characteristics of our ruralcommunity and unique bioregion in Southern Oregon.


April 29, 2023
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Cantrall Buckley County Park, 154 Cantrall Rd, Jacksonville, OR 97530, USA
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